Welcome to my corner of the web! I am new to coding so please be paitent with me while I figure things out! Everything here is a wip, bear with me.
I need to figure out how to make lists and sublists for the left column. I also need to figure out how to get the text to stay within the boxes of small sizes so you scroll to see the rest of it. I think I need containers. Also I need to figure out the margins/padding on the left side but not affecting the padding in between the boxes or top and bottom. I need to also figure out how to import custom fonts and cursors.
This site is being built on a macbook pro with 3024 x 1964 pixel specs I think. It's being built while using the Chrome and Safari web browsers.
If anyone could tell me how to get Aside3 to go under Aside2 please let me know. I'm using Flexbox to do my css.